Teach and Travel in China is an education company, We hire English native speakers from the whole world to teach kids in China.
Travel all around the cities of China
Enhance your learning experience
Enhance your learning experience
about us
Learn more, get results, go further
We hire hundreds of teachers from South Africa every year. We need teachers to be very responsible, patients, love children and education. We hire teachers to work in China, teachers need to have at least bachelor degree, clear criminal paper. If have teaching experience already, that’s the best.

We try our best to make our company better and better, to take good care of teachers life in China as much as possible, and because of this, company also won very good reputation and respect from our customers.
Working in china
If without experience, but you are ready to be trained as a good teacher, and can work in China at least one year, with good personality, we also welcome you to join in our team.

about us
Top Jobs in China, People's Republic of
We provide teacher recruitment services,
Vsa services, airport pick up services,
Apartment services, training services, etc.
our course
Explore Our Wide Range Of Courses
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